7 Day Reset

Reserve your spot in my

FREE 7 day online retreat!

8-14 March 2021

Spaces are limited so be quick!


This is a group ‘health reset’ journey (I’m doing it with you!) where together we will reset our minds and bodies.

If 2020 has left you feeling sluggish, flat and toxic
— this is for you. 

With my years of experience as a practicing naturopath I initially created this health reset for myself… but then I got thinking it’s too good not to share! Plus, it’s always better with the support of others.

The 7 Day STOP RESET REPAIR Online Retreat will run from 8 - 14 March and involve a 5 day clean diet plus movement and mindfulness exercise, followed by a 2 day juice, broth and congee fast.

It is intentionally simple so it can fit around your lives with ease (and just a little prep)!


What to expect

✓ Workbook with my 7 day plan and tips for nourishing yourself and sleeping well

✓ 5-day food plan

✓ Shopping list

✓ 2 day juice, broth and congee fast guide

✓ Recommended movement classes

✓ Reflection diary

✓ Email updates throughout the week

✓ Access to a closed Facebook Group for community support, motivation and accountability
— including access to my support all week!

7 Day Reset

Leave your details
below to sign up!

The next time this course is run it will be a paid course, so don’t miss your only chance to experience the restorative and revitalising outcomes of The 7 Day STOP RESET REPAIR Online Retreat for FREE!