Free Content Library

Explore my extensive collection of eBooks, instant downloads, blog articles, video content and more on the topics of women’s health, hormones, gut health and healing with whole foods.

Free eBooks


FREE Guide to Balancing Female Hormones

This amazing eBook explores themes of masculine / feminine energy, the female reproductive system, hormones, cycles and the importance of ovulation, as well as practical resources and tips!


FREE Guide for Food Intolerances & Leaky Gut

Join me as I explore the intricacies of the Gut Brain connection, with focus on two main aspects: Gut bacteria and your mood, and why we bloat when stressed

Free Downloads


7 day Balance & Detox Meal Plan

This is the perfect 7-day hormone balancing and detoxifying meal plan. It’s gluten, dairy and sugar free, low carb and high in protein. Not to mention super tasty you will not be hungry! Feel free to substitute if vegan/vegetarian or you can swap out the meat / fish for an alternative.. Use it as a guide or inspiration.


Guide to Coffee Enemas

Everything you need to know about this tool to aid detoxification pathways, help with constipation and improve bowel motility and mood.

